We’re working on updating our website right now. Come back as we continue to update!
If you have any general questions about our team, contact our president, Phil Bergman, at plbc77@mail.missouri.edu
If you have any questions about recruiting, contact Kevin Boyle at khbwwd@mail.missouri.edu
Recruits: Please fill out the form on our recruits page.
Note: The MCLA website is also under construction, impacting the availability of a number of our pages, including schedule and roster.
ALUMNI: 2015 Update – Joel Henning is our new Alumni Association President! Cole Dimond is the Vice President, Pat Sammons is the Secretary, and Mitch Tusing is the treasurer. Joel says they are off to a great start and have planned Alumni Weekend for October 3-4, 2015 with a football tailgate on Saturday and an alumni game on Sunday. They are trying to get ahold of all the old alumni by pulling rosters together from past years so they can contact all alums. Please try to make it that weekend. Don’t worry if you don’t wish to play, just come and enjoy the story telling, embellishments and refreshments. Bring the whole family! A new monthly ALumni Newsletter is in the works and we’ll let you know more about it later!