The Tigers picked up two wins on Sunday, against Ball State (9-6) and a 4-3 win over Purdue. The team is now 8-3 for the season.
The Tigers put together an offensive assault in the first half of the Ball State game then dialed back to save their legs for the second game, against Purdue. Ball State came back with an offensive charge of their own in the third quarter, but the Tigers were able to hold them off for the win.
Sunday’s second game was a bigger victory, beating Purdue while fighting the elements. Constant rain quickly turned the field to a slippery mess, making footing tough and weighing down cleats with mud.
Late in the fourth quarter Brendan DeLoach received a slashing penalty. Shortly after coming out of the penalty box, DeLoach charged from mid-field and let loose a shot that broke the 3-3 tie to give the Tigers the victory.